# July 15, 2021  

Should we trust big tech with our health data?

# July 15, 2021  

Senate Democrats Embrace Marijuana Federalism. Will Republicans?

# July 15, 2021  

The real Cat Person has spoken—but is there a real Cat Person?

# July 15, 2021  

Is it safe to take expired medication?

# July 15, 2021  

Dog DNA tests: putrid dog poo strews the world’s streets. Does Tel Aviv have the answer?

# July 15, 2021  

He’s a star, Gap is benefiting from that’: will Kanye West save the clothing giant?

# July 15, 2021  

Does the President’s Party Still Lose the Midterms if the Other Party’s Platform Is “Our Deadly Riot Was Good”?

# July 15, 2021  

Hat die Nationalbank die Vorteile der Blockchain entdeckt?