# October 20, 2022  

Batgirl axed, The Flash floundering – can Black Adam turn things round for DC’s troubled superheroes?

# October 20, 2022  

Could A Data Tax Replace The Corporate Income Tax?

# October 20, 2022  

Can $50 Million Make a Dull Brooklyn Office Park Cool?

# October 20, 2022  

Will Hurling Tomato Soup On Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Advance Climate Policy?

# October 20, 2022  

Will the ‘Virus Sceptics’ Ever Accept the Evidence That Proves Them Wrong?

# October 19, 2022  

Can Liz Truss be trusted?

# October 19, 2022  

Is installing blue lights the answer to deterring drug use in public bathrooms?

# October 19, 2022  

The Big Idea: can you learn to predict the future?