# October 13, 2018  

He’s reinvented everything from the hoover to the hand dryer, but are Dyson’s new hair curlers really worth £450? Five women put them to the test, with mixed results

# October 13, 2018  

Is it the end of the supermarket checkout till?

# October 13, 2018  

Is ‘Black Ops 4’ the new ‘Fortnite’?

# October 12, 2018  

Is Sydney’s Opera House a Billboard?

# October 12, 2018  

Is the future of food ‘reducetarian’?

# October 12, 2018  

Can Iceland’s Microwave Scrambled Eggs Beat The Homemade Version?

# October 12, 2018  

Did Google just tell us that it’s getting rid of Android?

# October 12, 2018  

Does Melania Trump, the “Most Bullied Person in the World,” Know What Bullying Is?