# February 11, 2019  

The Love Sausage: is half a kilo of dead animal the ultimate Valentine’s gift?

# February 11, 2019  

Will A.I. Put Lawyers Out Of Business?

# February 11, 2019  

Could EARS be the new fingerprints? Scientists say ear recognition could be used to catch criminals and unlock phones because body part retains unique features and proportions

# February 11, 2019  

Is Liam Neeson cancelled? Of course not — he’s played this character for years

# February 11, 2019  

Is the TV sitcom dead now axe has fallen on Birds of a Feather?

# February 10, 2019  

Are Cyborg Warriors a Good Idea?

# February 10, 2019  

Recruitment Chatbots: Is The Hype Worth It?

# February 10, 2019  

Will Saudi Arabia be held to account for Khashoggi’s murder?