# March 6, 2019  

Do Democrats need to play it safe to win in 2020? History says otherwise

# March 5, 2019  

Should Brands Be Forced By Law To Make The World A Better Place?

# March 5, 2019  

Was Luke Perry too young to have a fatal stroke? Not really

# March 5, 2019  

Can Netflix star Marie Kondo fix the Israeli-Palestinian mess?

# March 5, 2019  

Is buying with friends the future of housing?

# March 5, 2019  

Upcoming Superhero Movie Shazam! Looks Like It Might Be Good?

# March 5, 2019  

Can Science Explain Everything?: John Lennox vs. Scientism

# March 4, 2019  

Could a spec’d-out HTC One M7 2019 Edition save HTC?