# May 14, 2020  

Is Harry Potter the Jesus of a New Generation?

# May 14, 2020  

Could COVID-19 Finally Destigmatize Mental Illness?

# May 14, 2020  

Can AI Become Conscious?

# May 14, 2020  

Are Rich Philanthropists Like Bill Gates The Real Culprits?

# May 14, 2020  

Can we tackle both climate change and Covid-19 recovery?

# May 14, 2020  

Does Vitamin D Protect Against COVID-19?

# May 13, 2020  

Is 6 Feet Safe Enough For Air Travel Again? Most Studies Still Say No

# May 13, 2020  

Computers can solve every problem thrown at them, right? This YouTuber dives into whether that’s true.